Sublime Text 3 keyboard shortcuts

1 minute read

I find these following shortcut keys essential.

1. Multiple cursors

Hold ctrl + using mouse to select where to add cursors.

2. Select multiple text (and automatically add cursors)

Double click to select the first + hold ctrl + double click others to select more.

3. Select many similar texts (change variable name at many place at once)

Place the cursor at the text + ctrl + D to select it, then ctrl + D again to select the next instance of the text. Repeat to select more.

4. Join lines

ctrl + J at where I want to join.

5. Delete line (even blank line)

ctrl + X.

6. Move line (place the cursor somewhere in the line)/ block of lines (highlight them first)

ctrl + shift + up/down.

7. Dublicate a line

Place the cure sure somewhere in the line, then ctrl + shift + D

8. Indent/ unindent

ctrl + ] / ctrl + [

9. Toggle between commenting out and uncommenting

ctrl + /.

10. Open/ search file in current project folder

ctrl + P, then search for its name.

11. Place multi-cursors at the end or begin of the lines

Select lines (Clrl + A) to select all.

Ctrl + Shilf + L to enable cursor. Or you can manually enable multi-cursor using Hold Ctrl + Left-click. Home or end to move cursors to begin or end of lines.

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