#modprobe btusb
systemctl start hciuart 
pulseaudio --start 
service bluetooth restart &

The modprobe btusb have to run only once.

pulse audio

list all sink

pacmd list-sinks|egrep -i 'index:|name:'

set default out put base on the name above

In “/etc/pulse/”, add

set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-GeneralPlus_USB_Audio_Device-00 output:analog-stereo

Trouble shooting


bluetoothctl with

No default controller available

Try “systemctl start hciuart” and the interface should appear.

Bluetooth service not running

sudo modprobe btusb  # add the btusb module to the kernel
sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service
systemctl status bluetooth.service



Headless pairing:

Create a file called pair_bluetooth_device.expect

set timeout 30
spawn bluetoothctl
expect "# "
send "agent off\r"
expect "?gistered"
send "\r"

expect "# "
send "agent NoInputNoOutput\r"
expect "Agent registered"
send "\r"

expect "# "
send "default-agent\r"
expect "Default agent request successful"
send "\r"

expect "# "
send "discoverable on\r"

expect "Authorize "
send "yes\r"
send "exit\r"

Create a file named trust_and_connect.expect

set timeout 30
spawn bluetoothctl
expect "# "
send "agent off\r"
expect "?egistered"
send "\r"

expect "# "
send "agent on\r"
expect "Agent registered"
send "\r"

expect "# "
send "default-agent\r"
expect "Default agent request successful"
send "\r"

expect "# "
send "trust [lindex $argv 0]\r"

expect "Changing" 
send "connect [lindex $argv 0]\r"

expect "Connection successful"
send "exit\r"

Copy the above code into that file. It does the trusting and connecting part automatically.

create a file

cd $(dirname $0)
echo "Pairing..."
expect pair_bluetooth_device.expect > expect_script.log
chmod 777 expect_script.log
sleep 2

echo "Trusting and connecting.."
device_mac_address=$(cat expect_script.log | grep -Pom 1 "(?<=Device ).*(?= Connected)")
echo mac address is $device_mac_address
if [[ ! -z $device_mac_address ]] ; then
            expect trust_and_connect.expect $device_mac_address
            echo "No device connected"
rm expect_script.log

The bash script: Calls an expect script (whose output will be printed to a file named expect_script.log) which, Initiates the NoInputNoOutput agent Makes it the default-agent Turns on the discoverability of pi Waits for someone to connect and exits when someone does or timeouts Sleep for 2 seconds Grab the expect_script.log file for the device mac address Trusts and connects the device if the mac_address is null Removes the residue file expect_script.log