sudo apt install stow

Lay out of stow

A folder tree of stow have the exact same structure with the one in your .config folder

For example, for polybar

mkdir -p ./polybar/.config/polybar
cd ./polybar/.config/polybar
touch config 

Note that config and are empty files.


Stow is the command to create sym link that reflect the gathered dotfiles.

stow -nvt ~ *


stow -nvt ~

* n: "no" - show what would happen/ stimulation.
* v: verbal
* S: DEFAULT, stow
* D: "delete", unstow
* t: "target directory", you should always use this flag for safe. If the flag is ommitted, the target is the parent of the current directory. 
* *: stow everything

stow –adopt -vt ~ htop

* --adopt: swap the empty files with the current config ones, then create sym-links to those config files. This is used for the first time/ IN THE BEGINNING when you create the stow folder.

#Unlink the folder

stow -vDt ~ bash

Restore the stow/ replica the system with the dotfiles

To add file to a folder and update its stow

unlink it first

stow -vDt rofi

add files then link back

stow -nvt ~ rofi

(n is ‘no’/ stimulation, then again with out the flag n)